Implementing the CARES® Serious Mental Illness Online Training Program to meet the mental health needs of residents with diverse behavioral health needs.
Case Description: The leadership of a nursing facility corporation identified many nursing facilities that would benefit from the CARES® Serious Mental Illness™ Online Training Program. One of those facilities has an extremely high population of residents with a serious mental illness (SMI) and substance use disorder (SUD). The administrator stated that the standard dementia training offered in long-term care facilities was insufficient to meet the needs of residents with diverse behavioral health needs.
Unique Challenges: “… I had a significant reportable event while still at [Nursing Facility] that led to a root-cause analysis of the underlying issue. I felt that if we had been properly meeting the mental health needs of all our residents, that situation may have been avoidable. We immediately implemented a program for residents with SUDs and then offered the CARES® Serious Mental Illness™ Online Training to our entire staff. Many residents with a SUD also have an SMI, so it was important to meet both sets of needs.” -Nursing Facility Administrator
CO-NF Solution: The regional behavioral specialist (RBS) completed the behavioral health assessment and determined that this facility would benefit from the CARES® Serious Mental Illness™ Online Training Program. The RBS coordinated setting up the training for the entire staff. In total, 72 staff at [Nursing Facility] completed the training.”
Outcome/Benefits: After completing the training, the facility administrator commented, “I definitely feel that our staff are now more aware of the needs of their residents and understand how caring for them properly can lead to better outcomes. I’ve seen a decrease in the number of negative outcomes from those residents with SUDs, and I feel like the staff knows better how to relate to their feelings. This program is amazing, and I’m so grateful we had the opportunity to share it with our entire team!” Staff can apply the CARES Approach to better manage residents with SMI and SUD and have a better understanding of how SMI differs from dementia.