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Resource Types


Answers to your frequently asked COE-NF questions….

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and promote recovery. Find resources on a variety…

CMS Behavioral Health Strategy will strive to support a person’s whole emotional and mental well-being and promotes person-centered behavioral health care. Find additional guidance from CMS on Addressing and Improving…

SAMHSA informational pamphlet about bipolar disorder’s definition, signs/symptoms, types and treatment…

SAMHSA informational pamphlet about schizophrenia’s definition, signs/symptoms and treatment…

NIAAA pamphlet on stages of the addiction cycle…

NIDA infographic of medications for Opioid Overdose, Withdrawal and Addiction…

DEA fact sheet about definition, origin, street names, how they look, overdose and legality…

Screening, Treatment and Important Conversations: Alliance for Aging Research pamphlet with information on Screening tools, conversations, and getting help for older adults with substance use disorders or mental health concerns….

Use ideas from the Comfort Menu to identify ways to reduce anxiety, discomfort and pain without using medications….

Tips to help manage fear and anxiety…

Mindfulness is a great tool to use when feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed. Check out the flyer for some simple steps that anyone can take to practice mindfulness….

Gain a better understanding of older adult mental illness and learn new skills with this free, three-episode video training series. The videos are intended to boost your confidence when caring…

This flyer provides a visual depiction of the effects of alcohol consumption on the different parts of the body. It is suitable for posting or sharing with staff and residents…

This flyer is suitable for sharing and using with residents and staff that are trying to manage anxiety or stress. Grounding is a way to calm worried thoughts by using…

Naloxone is a drug that reverses respiratory depression caused by opioid overdose. Having naloxone readily available in nursing homes is an opioid harm reduction best practice that can save lives….

This material provides an introduction to Naloxone, explains why nursing facilities should have it available, provides tips on establishing a naloxone program in a nursing facility, and shares warning signs…

This flyer is a brief reference guide for nursing facility staff responding to a resident with a potential opioid overdose. This flyer is suitable for sharing with all staff or…

This guide discusses the health effects of nursing home residents drinking alcohol, provides proactive steps that staff can take when unauthorized alcohol use occurs in nursing facilities….

Trauma-informed care starts with learning and understanding as much as we can about a resident’s lived experiences. Display this flyer as a daily reminder of ways staff can take a…

This resource describes signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and provides a guide to detox strategies for nursing facilities….

This document reduces the stigma associated with substance use. Here is a list of preferred words….

This resource offers guidance on how to incorporate substance use recovery supports for residents in nursing facilities….

This resource is a guide giving detail on why substance use screening is important in nursing facilities, recommends steps to take to set up successful screening regiments and suggest evidenced…

This document discusses the risk of prescribing an opioid and a benzodiazepine….

PCSS provides free waiver training to prescribers so they can obtain their waiver to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid addiction….

Use these 6 simple questions from the Columbia Protocol to Identify whether a resident is at risk for suicide. assess the severity and immediacy of that risk and determine the…

Discover practical ways you can support residents living with schizophrenia. Learn about common schizophrenia symptoms and the risks and benefits of antipsychotic medications….

This 15-minute module will give you the tools needed to support residents living with the complex disorder of schizophrenia. You’ll learn how to identify symptoms of schizophrenia, conditions that can…

This flyer provides check points to validate the accuracy of a schizophrenia diagnosis….

This introductory fact sheet explains Co-occurring Disorders, provides treatment strategies and practical tips for treating residents diagnosed with a Co-occurring disorder….

Here are 10 tips for supporting a resident diagnosed with schizophrenia….

Schizophrenia is a complicated brain disorder with a range of symptoms. Learn the facts about schizophrenia….

Learn the facts about bipolar disorder….

Learn the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder….

This course will equip you with foundational knowledge of bipolar disorder, explore the potential causes, and the impact it can have on residents….

Provides an overview of post traumatic stress disorder, causes, symptoms and treatment….

This fact sheet on Fentanyl discusses pharmaceutical and Illegally Made Fentanyl, provides information on the forms that the drugs come in , gives tips to nursing staff on how Fentanyl…

The STOP SMILE GO technique offers a natural way to promote relaxation, reduce stress and enhance overall well-being….

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is much more than feeling sad or having a bad day. It is a serious mental illness (SMI) that requires understanding, compassion, and medical care….

This introductory fact sheet explains Medication Assistance Treatment, provides treatment strategies and practical tips for treating residents diagnosed with Substance Use Disorders….

Provides an overview and management of Seasonal Affective Disorder….

Provides ways to manage symptoms associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder….

Provides a checklist nursing facilities can use to reduce the impact of Seasonal Affective Disorder on residents….

Learn tips to help residents manage the holiday blues….

Learn about the basics of mental health, how to recognize signs and symptoms and ways to support residents with mental health conditions….

Learn about substance use disorders and actionable steps nursing facility staff can take to support residents with this condition….

Use the PDSA worksheet to assess the effectiveness of behavioral health interventions implemented in nursing facilities….

Explore the keys to creating a trauma informed approach….

Purpose: The PHQ9 is a reliable and valid measure of depression severity. Description: The PHQ-9 is a multipurpose instrument for screening, aid in diagnosing, monitoring and measuring the severity of depression….

Purpose: The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is used to assess depressive symptoms and screen for depression among older adults. Description: The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is a self-report measure of…

Purpose: GAD 7 measures or assesses the severity of generalized anxiety disorder. Description: The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7) is a seven-item instrument that is used to measure or assess the…

Purpose: The AUDIT is an effective and reliable screening tool for detecting risky and harmful drinking patterns. Description: The AUDIT is a 10-item screening tool used to assess alcohol co,…

Purpose The ORT is a brief, self-reporting screening tool designed to assess risk for opioid abuse among individuals prescribed opioids for treatment of chronic pain Description: This tool should be…

Purpose: The CAGE is an alcohol screening tool used to help discuss a person’s alcohol use/abuse to determine if an alcohol use disorder exists. Description: The CAGE is a 4-question…

Purpose: TAPS is a screening tool used to provide information about risk in multiple categories. Description: TAPS is a brief, two-part screening for tobacco, alcohol use, prescription medication misuse and…

The techniques in the de-escalation toolkit can be used in any situation to diffuse tension, promote understanding and prevent further de-escalation….

This video will explore alcohol use disorder and the signs, symptoms and dangers of withdrawal….

The Behavioral Health Needs Assessment is a tool nursing facilities can use to identify and mitigate behavioral health service gaps….

The Behavioral Health Needs Assessment is a tool nursing facilities can use to identify and mitigate behavioral health service gaps….

Actionable strategies to advance behavioral health equity….

Recognize the myths vs. facts of depression….

Discover practical ways you can build connections with residents by employing empathy. Learn simple techniques to demonstrate empathy as well as ways empathy can help residents with mental health disorders.

This module provides effective support tools for residents living with major depressive disorder. You’ll discover how to recognize common symptoms, warning signs, understand risk and protective factors, identify screening tools,…

Learn the basics of co-occurring disorder, contributing factors and assessment strategies.

This document will help nursing facilities to recognize the 4Rs (Realize, Recognize, Respond, and Resist Re-Traumatization) needed to create a trauma informed environment.

Helpful tips to stop mental health stigma.

Treating opioid use disorder with buprenorphine in nursing facilities.

Explore the do’s and don’ts of nonverbal communication….

Discover how repeated substance use changes brain functioning.

This video will define what is major depressive disorder, share the signs and symptoms of this disorder, review treatment options, and identify ways to support residents diagnosed with major depressive…

This video defines behavioral health equity, identifies barriers to behavior health equity, and demonstrates actionable steps nursing facilities can take to advance behavioral health equity.

Understand substance use impact on the brain and behavior.

Learn about the national culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) standards intended to advance health equity.

Learn how to advance health equity by implementing CLAS standards in your nursing facility.

This flyer provides nonpharmalogical approaches to assist residents in managing their symptoms.

Gain a better understanding of the impact substance use can have on the brain and available treatment options for residents.

Gain a better understanding of how to use de-escalation strategies to assist residents experiencing distress.

Learn key skills to safely de-escalate challenging behaviors in nursing facilities.

Evidence-based mental health training provided by the COE-NF equips behavioral health ambassadors with the necessary tools to de-escalate incidents of aggression, thereby providing a safe and healthy environment for residents,…

This tip sheet describes resources that can be used to virtually support recovery from mental/substance use disorders as well as other resources.

A vice president of recreation and life enrichment consulted the COE-NF to help improve the quality of care in 40 skilled nursing facilities across three states. The facilities’ representative recognized…

This pathway is used by surveyors to determine if the facility is providing necessary behavioral, mental and or emotional health care and services to residents.

This flyer provides information regarding the signs and symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

This resource defines anxiety, discusses its symptoms, and offers helpful tips for reducing anxiety in nursing home residents.

How can we help

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Get all the latest information from the Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health in Nursing Facilities.

the center of excellence for behavioral health in nursing facilities (COE-NF)

Established by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in partnership with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the COE-NF offers Certified Medicare and Medicaid Nursing Facility Staff a centralized resource hub with easy access to trainings, technical assistance and additional resources, at no cost.

What We Do

We help nursing facilities to improve the quality of life and care provided for residents who are experiencing a variety of behavioral health disorders, with a focus on Serious Mental Illness (SMI), Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Co-Occurring Disorders (COD).

Who We Help

We provide direct technical assistance, evidence-based training, and resources that are appropriate for every member of your long-term care facility — from those providing day-to-day direct care, to clinical and administrative staff.