Behavioral Health Ambassador Program



This step-by-step guide, developed by the Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health in Nursing Facilities, will help you implement a successful Behavioral Health Ambassador Program in your facility to address the mental health and substance use education needs of your team. The prevalence of mental health and substance use disorders has increased dramatically in nursing facility populations. Having trained staff can play an essential role in the nursing facility’s efforts to improve the safety, care, and welfare of residents with behavioral health disorders and improve the confidence of staff providing these services.

This guide consists of a series of educational fact sheets, on-demand learning videos and webinar training designed to increase knowledge, awareness, and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders commonly seen in nursing facilities.




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woman holding phone with badges

Role of Behavioral Health Ambassadors

Behavioral health ambassadors will serve as key partners with facility leadership to enhance behavioral health education, creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Their role involves fostering a supportive environment where staff feel equipped to manage the behavioral health needs of residents and residents experience compassionate, high-quality care.

Communicating Opportunities

Collaborate with the facility training coordinator to convey staff training requests and resident behavioral health needs and observations.

Maintaining Resources

Establish and update the ambassador information board that will serve as a centralized hub for resources.

Supporting Training Initiatives

Assist in staff training efforts by posting upcoming training hosted by the COE-NF.

Seeking Expert Guidance

In collaboration with the facility training coordinator, consult with COE-NF Regional Behavioral Health Specialists when additional expertise is needed to address complex behavioral health concerns.

Responding to Crisis Situations

Support the management and resolution of behavioral health crises within the facility.

Engaging in Care Planning

Actively participate in care planning for residents with behavioral health disorders.

COE-NF Social Media Toolkit

This toolkit supports COE-NF partners, stakeholders, and nursing facilities in showcasing the impact of partnership and education on improving care for nursing facility residents with behavioral health and substance use issues. It also serves as a resource for participants in the Behavioral Health Ambassador program, providing a foundation to cultivate a supportive environment where staff feel empowered to address residents’ behavioral health needs, ensuring residents receive compassionate, high-quality care.


Tag Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health in Nursing Facilities (@nursinghomebh):
Tag us in your social media content on LinkedIn, X and Facebook to show your support and potentially be reposted by COE-NF.
Use the Key Messages:
Use the key messages in your content, such as reminding your followers that education is important for supporting nursing facility residents with behavioral health issues.
Incorporate the Themes:
Each section of the campaign has a different theme, and you can tailor your content accordingly.
Use the Hashtags:
Use the official hashtags, including #MentalHealthMatters, #COENFBehavioralHealth, #COENFChampion, and #Together4MentalHealth.These hashtags help promote COE-NF’s key messages and make it easier for people to find and engage in the conversation.

Social Media Sample Post –

Behavioral Health Ambassadors

Social Media Sample Post –

Partners & Nursing Facilities

Behavioral Health Ambassadors Sample Post
Partners & Nursing Facilities Sample Post


The COE-NF team is dedicated to supporting those who care for nursing facility residents. Whether you are a behaviroal health ambassador, nursing facility administrator, licensed nursing staff, certified nursing assistant, social worker, care partner, or part of a Medicare/Medicaid Certified Facility, COE-NF resources are here to help foster better well-being for nursing home residents. Social media badges were developed to acknowledge behaviroal health ambassadors, partners and nursing facilities that have completed COE-NF live and on-demand trainings and earned ACCME and NAB credits. Ambassadors, partners and nursing facilities are encouraged to share their badges on social media, with sample posts provided in this toolkit.




CLICK HERE to access the instructions on how to download the resources from Box.

the center of excellence for behavioral health in nursing facilities (COE-NF)

Established by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in partnership with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the COE-NF offers Certified Medicare and Medicaid Nursing Facility Staff a centralized resource hub with easy access to trainings, technical assistance and additional resources, at no cost.

What We Do

We help nursing facilities to improve the quality of life and care provided for residents who are experiencing a variety of behavioral health disorders, with a focus on Serious Mental Illness (SMI), Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Co-Occurring Disorders (COD).

Who We Help

We provide direct technical assistance, evidence-based training, and resources that are appropriate for every member of your long-term care facility — from those providing day-to-day direct care, to clinical and administrative staff.